
Insurance + FreightTech to Hurdle any Cross-Border Issue

combining insurance and freight tech

In our latest Freight Waves article, Borderless Coverage explores the importance of combining insurance and technology to mitigate your risk. The article reviews how Mark Vickers, of Reliance Partners, teamed up with Troy Ryley, president of Redwood Mexico, to share their best practices for improving cross-border trade and mitigating risks. As safety remains a top

Shipper’s Interest Insurance – FAQs

Shipper's Interest Insurance - FAQs

The Innovation of Shipper’s Interest Insurance  It is no secret that finding the proper freight insurance is not easy.  When comparing policies, it is difficult to understand what is covered, what limitations exist, where the liability falls, and more.  A one-size-fits-all policy is nonviable when it comes to freight insurance, but the flexibility provided by

Usage Based Insurance for Small to Medium Sized Shippers

Usage Based Insurance for Small to Medium Sized Shippers

The recent rise of usage-based shipping insurance provides a more practical and cost-effective solution especially for small to medium sized shippers looking to insure their shipments. Rather than having to purchase a multi-year cargo insurance policy, you are now able to shape an insurance policy based on how often you ship, what you ship, and

Usage Based Insurance for Self Insured Shippers

Usage Based Insurance for Self Insured Shippers

Layering in Shipper’s Interest when Self-Insured When it comes to choosing a cargo insurance policy, large organizations often choose the route of self-insurance.  Self-insurance requires risk management, the financial capacity to self-insure, and the collection of safety and loss data.  While self-insurance is a sensible way that large carriers can cover losses, layering in shippers